Susan Li
Susan has a legal background and an MBA degree from University College Dublin. Her roles have included Chief Representative for China with Tourism Ireland, Business Development Manager for China with Kerry Group, East China Manager with Enterprise Ireland and World Bank Group consultant in China. Susan successfully promoted Ireland as the preferred education and tourism destination in China.
Michael Garvey
Michael’s roles included Regional Manager for IDA Ireland, Asia Regional Director for Enterprise Ireland and Asia Regional Manager for Invest Northern Ireland.
Senior Consultants
Aki Bao
Aki graduated with a Master’s Degree in Accounting from Macquarie University in Australia. After returning to China, Aki worked as a senior IELTS trainer and advisor at Global Education and has gained in-depth experience in both overseas study and professional English training. Aki also worked as the Representative of Cork City Council in China.
Peggy Wang
Peggy has over 20 years’ experience in delivering students to international schools. She leads a team that has helped more than a thousand Chinese students successfully enroll in well-known Irish and British schools and universities including Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, Cambridge, Radley College, Wycombe Abbey and many other leading institutions around the world.
Stephanie Quayle
Stephanie is from Northern Ireland and has taught in four secondary schools in England and she was the head principal of two of these schools. Stephanie lived in China for 5 years where she worked as East Asia research consultant for one of the world’s leading international school consultancies, ISC Research.
Advisory Board
Gerard MacMahon
Gerard graduated from the London School of Economics. He was the head principal of Shanghai Wellington International School. He also co-founded Shanghai Bilingual Huili School and acted as head principal. Gerard was awarded the prestigious Magnolia Award by the Shanghai government.
Pat Ledwidge
Pat was Deputy Chief Executive of Cork City Council. He was awarded the prestigious Magnolia Award by the Shanghai government. Pat has been a board member of the University College Cork-Shanghai University Confucius Institute. He is also Principal Advisor to the Ireland Cork Chinese Business Association.
Vincent Barry
Vincent studied in Blackrock College and he is a Graduate of The Marketing Institute of Ireland and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Studies from The National University of Ireland. He is the co-founder and Managing Director of the ICD Business School, Ireland.
Paul O'Toole
Paul is a former Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland and Chief Executive Officer of the Higher Education Authority. He currently holds a number of non-executive Board roles, including serving as Chairperson of the Grangegorman Development Agency and the Deputy Chairperson of Governing Authority of Maynooth University, Ireland.